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Photography Studio Rental in SJ Available - only $35/hr !!!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 10:30 PM


A great shooting space in Central San Jose, just off Hwy. 280 is available to rent by the hour, for only $35/hr, with a 2-hour minimum.  Great natural light, 18' wide white cove, 14' high ceilings, about 27' to the opposite wall,make-up and wardrobe room, over head loft.  Second floor facility, no elevator, no lighting equipment included, some backdrops available. This space features
a very cool overhead cross bars, at 3 locations across the shooting
area, controlled by a pulley system.  Lights and backgrounds can
be suspended with this system, without the need for light stands.

This is a great place to shoot !!!

Contact Craig at: [masked]  or  [address removed]
for more info.

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