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New Workhop -- help us schedule it

From: Rob "Bodhi" W.
Sent on: Monday, January 7, 2013, 7:00 PM

I am responding to requests for a new longer-term workshop series, focusing on group projects and polishing up performance pieces.

For those who are interested in creating duets, trios, and full bands, this would be a series of workshops where you would agree to sign up for the duration and attend weekly workshops.   There, we would separate into small projects, with a focus on making each project as polished as possible.   We would discuss things like orchestration, song selection, dynamics and sound texture, and audience participation.

This is a performance-oriented series, so the ideal goal would be that each project could eventually take their performance to the public.   Ideally, one workshop would be held at an open mic, where you would perform your pieces for other people.

At the end of the workshop series, we would video a performance by each project, which you would be free to utilize as you see fit.


Scheduling such a longterm workshop series is best done with your participation.

Towards that end, I would request that anybody who is interested in participating in such a workshop series visit the following poll online:


and help me pick the days of the week that best fit your schedule.   You may pick multiple entries.

Once we have a better idea as to which times fit the participants best, I will set about scheduling this workshop series.

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