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New Meetup: Soul Retrieval for Trauma Survivors

From: Cara L.
Sent on: Monday, May 7, 2012, 12:29 PM

Make a safe place for your soul to return!

Saturday, May 19th, 9am - 4pm, $90. Group size limited to 6. RSVP to [address removed]  to register.

You can view this meetup at:

During overwhelming and traumatic events, parts of the soul may split off to protect the being. In the ancient shamanic practice of soul retrieval it is necessary to make space for and invite back the parts of your soul that have become disconnected or lost. You will be guided in journeys to retrieve your own soul pieces in a safe space.

I take a playful approach to soul work and each workshop is uniquely because it is determined by the energy of the group.

Cara Lee has extensive training and practice in Euro/Celtic shamanism and teaches you how and when to release trauma energy safely. For more information you can go to

Cara Lee
Subtle Communication Training
Phone:  [masked]
Email:  [address removed]
Subtle Energy Skills and Trauma Release for Care Providers and Trauma Survivors