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New Meetup Group for Indigos- families and adults

From: Nicole
Sent on: Monday, January 30, 2012, 1:48 PM
Hi everyone! I had the guidance to create a meetup group for the young indigos and crystal children who need their spiritual selves nurtured in a society that doesn't otherwise nurture them in that way. I hope to make this a community effort- encouraging others to suggest meetups, and to promote their events if in alignment with the nature of this group. While I would like to establish a good community for the indigo/crystal children, I also already facilitate many events geared to adults that adult indigos would thrive from, so I don't want to exclude adult indigos from this group either, but rather open it up to anyone and everyone who seeks out events and gatherings that nurture and support our divine selves to evolve and maintain energetic balance.
Check it out. If it interests you, feel free to join- it's free to join and while some events may cost some money as an energy exchange I plan for there to be free gatherings for us to come together and get to know this community. I hope this can be another avenue to gathering, unite and find a supportive environment that allows our spiritual selves to grow and evolve!

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