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Protospace Instead of Pixels!

From: Tony G.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 11:59 AM
Hey guys,

Here's a final reminder that there won't be a Pixels tonight at The Hop. Instead, we will be spending Festivus with the Drink and Draw folks at Dickens tomorrow.

But since this is the first Pixels night where I don't know what to do with myself, I'm going to hang out at Protospace for their regular Tuesday open house. I invite you to do the same. People usually show up around 7pm and there will be lasers, 3D printers and the odd draw bot.

Protospace Open House Tonight @ 7pm
Bay #[masked]th Ave NE

Protospace is magical world of pixie dust (actually snot) and unicorns. If you never been, shame on you. But show up tonight and it's all good.
