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A Note About the Venue Tonight

From: Tony G.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 1:16 PM
Hey guys,

Jan Gehl, Danish architect and one of my heroes, says the key to any successful event is correct venue choice. If you're expecting 100 people, he recommends a venue that holds 35 and line everyone around the block.

The party tonight will be at Dickens Pub, a venue that has a capacity of 400 people. I'm expecting 30-50. Theoretically, this event can never "succeed" except for a couple points:
  • Dickens has the Library; a room in the back that fits about 30 comfortably.
  • We're sharing the venue with some great groups. More on that below.
  • My ego expands to fill the space that contains it (go Boyle).
The Library
This is where we will begin the night. Turn right once you enter the bar. Drink and Draw will take up a long line of tables in the centre. Please give up tables for them as needed (or bring a sketch book and join them!). Other than that, we've got the run of the room. We can expand to the rest of the bar at will, except for:

Pool League
Dickens has four pool tables (one in the Library) but a local pool league meets there Wednesdays and requires two of them (by our last calculations). Feel free to play on the others but please respect their seniority. I think they built the place.

The Music!
Normally there's a large herd of ESL students every Wednesday to fill in the gaps but in case there are exams or something tonight, let's move to the dance floor and couches around 9 so it doesn't seem the bands are playing to an empty room. Dance as needed. The best hug is a slow dance hug.

More notes to follow! Sorry for the barrage but I always email when I'm nervous.


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