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Discrete Math and Python

From: Skylar S.
Sent on: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 2:09 AM
I'm creating a course in discrete math and python and would be glad to have input and code reviews.

Some of my first programs would be like:

? 1) Given an iterable and a positive integer, return the unique permutations (unique lists) and unique combinations (sets).
? 2) Given a string, return the set of all unique permutations (as strings)

Maybe even showing a few ways to do it in Python and why one way is more efficient and/or pythonic.

I'm looking at these as outlines:

A great project is

I might get back into that code (they have a ton of great math built on python) but I kind of want to naively think things through from a basic level so it will make a good course.

Skylar Saveland

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