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Spring Into Vitality Amazing Offer

From: Dr. Ritamarie L.
Sent on: Sunday, April 27, 2014, 5:36 PM

Hi, this is Chef Karen O.

Dr. Ritamarie made an amazing offer at the pot luck last night!

Dr. Ritamarie is holding her Spring Into Vitality event (A Transformational Cleansing and Detoxification Workshop) next weekend and is offering a special friends price of over 80% off of the regular price.

The goody bags alone are worth more than the price of the ticket due to the generous donations of the sponsors.  Plus you have the opportunity to win a Green Star Juicer, a Vitamix and many more prizes from sponsors including SunWarrior, Raw Food World, Lakanto, Annmarie Gianni Skin Care, T-tapp, Ronnie & Minh and more.  Check out the details at

You can attend all 3 days for only $47.  That's less than $16/day for tons of valuable information and experiences that will put you on the road to feeling your best and an opportunity to develop life long friendships with people from all over the country.

When you register, you have the opportunity to upgrade to the VIP package which includes 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 2 suppers among other things.   You’ll enjoy deliciously cleansing meals that energize, revitalize, and heal.  The restaurant chef will be preparing many of my recipes, including delicious low glycemic desserts, low glycemic smoothies and dairy free yogurt, and will also offer cooked plant - based foods.  Your meals will nourish and support as well as excite you about just how delicious whole fresh foods can be.

All VIP Meals are gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, plant-based and loaded with green goodness! You’re guaranteed to enjoy energizing nourishment consistent with what you’re learning.

If you decide to upgrade to include the meals, please register by Tuesday, April 29.  We have to let the hotel know how many people they are feeding.

I'll also be demonstrating how to prepare some quick, fun, delicious, detoxing, health supporting recipes.

Hope to see you there,
