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Reactive Conference 2015

From: Ilya G.
Sent on: Sunday, October 11, 2015, 10:26 AM

Dear friends,

In case you haven’t heard yet, there is a 3-day Reactive conference in Bratislava this November – Reactive2015 ( Creators of the most popular open source libraries and world-class JS experts from companies like GitHub, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Netflix and Mozilla will come to share their unique insights.

On the first day of the conference, Boris and Ilya from 500Tech will hold a 6-hour workshop "Redux 101" ( This is a great chance to learn how to use cutting edge ReactJS tooling: React 0.14, ES6, Webpack, ImmutableJS and the leading (by far) Flux implementation Redux. Only 20 tickets available.

If you are planning to visit the conference, ping us, we will meet there!

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