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Job opportuity-Software engineer positions

From: Dr Maria I.
Sent on: Monday, February 10, 2014, 8:34 PM

As a member of Realising Your Talent you get to hear first about opportunities like this one...

Ajinkya would love your help with the below:

"Hey Guys, I am looking for a software engineer. Need someone to help build a software for a retail shop that needs to keep an account of its stocks etc. The job is paid. If this is something you are interested in or need more information, get in touch asap! AJ"

To find out more about Ajinkya or help out click here and then respond to the Shout Out or forward it to someone else who may be able to help.

See you tomorrow…for the session on CV surgery.

Bring along your CVs 

Cheers - Maria


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