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From: Gary
Sent on: Friday, April 20, 2012, 10:14 AM

Hi Everyone,


I just got back from my photo trip to Cape Cod and I'm trying to catch up with things here on this site.  I  made our comments contest extent to this Sunday 10/22 at 10 pm.


The Vintage photo shoot is coming up soon and I need to know by Sunday 10/22 if you are planning on attending because this shoot takes a lot of preparation.


I'm starting a new Intro. class this Tue. night.  If you haven't taken this class yet, it's a great way to learn about how to use your camera.


If you missed the Cape Cod trip you missed beautiful 85 degree days and some shots like you see below.  Don't miss out on the Landscape class coming up in May or the Lupines in June.



Gary Detonnancourt





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