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This week's contest is not a photo contest!

From: Gary
Sent on: Monday, April 9, 2012, 8:26 PM

First of all Congratulations to Sue Babin on winning this week's contest on the theme "water".

This week:

Instead of a contest we're going to try something different this week. It will be a critique session.  For example, I just uploaded 5 images of an old car.  I processed them in different ways.  Photographers often say I can't judge my own work and that's true for me too.  So please feel free to tell me which version you like better and why.  Also feel free to tell me if you don't like any of them and why.

There will still be a prize and it will still end on Sunday night at 10 pm.  Here's how it will work.

Anyone can upload 1-5 photos.  To be eligible for the prize you must enter at least one image.  Then you need to comment on everyone 's images.  The person with the combination of the most images and comments will win this week.

Here's how to comment.  It's ok to say I like it or I don't like it but that doesn't really help people improve their images so be sure to include details about how you would improve and image.  We don't want to crush anyone's ego so be nice but be constructive in your criticism or praise.

This week's prize will be for $25 off my upcoming landscape photography workshop (all 4 session version) that will start in May.

Please upload your images to this folder:

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