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Launch Special: $119 Programmable Drone! (On Kickstarter NOW!)

From: Hansol H.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 6, 2016, 8:05 AM

Hi Fellow roboticist!

I’m so excited. We just launched the Kickstarter campaign for our brand new project: the CoDrone, a drone that anyone can learn to program and fly. Be one of the first 100 people to back our campaign and you’ll get your CoDrone for just $119 - that’s $60 off of the retail price! Get your CoDrone now! (

You can program the CoDrone to follow people, engage in laser-tag battles, go bowling (with the drone as the bowling ball!), fly in customized patterns, follow waypoints, navigate mazes and more. And you don’t have to know how to code to use it! We’re creating a series of step-by-step video tutorials to teach you how to how to program all of these basic tasks. But with the mapping and sensor technology in the CoDrone combined with the ability to easily program its behavior, the possibilities are endless.

The CoDrone is a leading finalist in this year’s Last Gadget Standing - it has already received over 1,500 votes. Now is the chance to get yours. Don’t wait - that $119 price tag won’t last long. It takes just two minutes to get your CoDrone. Make that contribution now.

Thank you so much,

Hansol Hong
CEO, Robolink


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