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New Event: Climbing at Seattle VW on Monday

From: Carsten
Sent on: Sunday, December 16, 2007, 4:00 PM
Announcing a new event for The Seattle Climbing Meetup Group!

What: Climbing at Seattle VW on Monday

When: Monday, December 17, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: I just noticed that nobody posted a climbing event for tomorrow (Monday). I realize this is short notice, but if you are interested in climbing tomorrow, please RSVP. 7 pm would be a good time for me. Include what time you can make it in your RSVP in case another member wants to come earlier as well.


New to the group or climbing? Want to meet new people? Just need a belay partner? Join us on Monday for an evening of climbing!

Check out the Vertical World website, if you have never been. There are several locations and this meetup will be at the SEATTLE location :)

To climb at the gym, you should have a basic understanding of climbing, and how to climb safely. You cannot belay without being "belay checked" first by the staff.

Stop by and say hi when you get to the gym...I won't be wearing Terri's black shirt that has a pink "Adidas" on the front (although she claims she has several of these shirts). We can then match up belay partners if needed.

Okay, yes, I stole much of the text above from Terri. Thanks Terri!

Drop me a line if you have any questions!


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