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New Meetup: Tuesday Climb at VW Redmond (prep for outdoor climbing!!)

From: Dr. Shane S.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 4:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Climbing Meetup Group!

What: Tuesday Climb at VW Redmond (prep for outdoor climbing!!)

When: June 23,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Come out and meet some other climbers and let's start a regular thing at the Redmond VW. Beginners welcome. Intermediates climb your heart out, and advanced climbers can teach us something and practice.

We had 10+ climbers of various skills levels last Wednesday and everyone enjoyed getting out on the walls. Come on out this week for a climb. It's now set for 6pm-8pm on Tuesdays. Meet at the center benches and just ask if others are there for the Meetup. Shane will be around the benches at 600.

Daily Rate for Non-Members $15
10 Visit Punch Card $135
Monthly $70 (Valid at Redmond Gym Only)
Shoes $5
Harness $3
Chalk Bag $3

Climb on!

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