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О нас

This group is about exploration of presence, connection, authenticity and aliveness. Exploration, as well, of what in our way of being stands in the way of experiencing aliveness, true intimacy and fuller expression of our individuality and potentials we all long for in our lives. 

Circling can be thought of as interpersonal meditation. Instead of our breath, we focus our attention on the quality of our in-the-moment connection with others. By bringing our awareness to sensations, emotions, reactions - and sharing our experience with one another - we co-create a unique space of deep connection, intimacy, raw authentic communication and self-expression. We are drop our masks, assumptions, we risk showing ourselves fully.


This unique psycho-spiritual modality blends, among other things, elements of meditation, group dynamics, shadow work, presence practice and leadership development to allow for exploration of what is (vs. what we think should be) and how we are (vs. our judgements how should be).  This is impactful, often vulnerable and edgy work. It is also deeply nourishing, answering our longing for deep connection, for courage to show ourselves in the truth of who and how we are, for being seen, acknowledged and honoured in that.


The group may be for you if you long for more depth, authenticity and realness in your life - with others as well as with yourself. If you are ready to go beyond quick-fix self-help approaches and instead, dive into the rawness, aliveness and richness of fully experiencing what arises in the present moment when we come together with presence, when we dare to drop our masks, social conventions and, instead, show ourselves in full range of our humanity.

What is Circling: http://circlingeurope.com/

Facebook group (not all events are posted on MeetUp): 

CirclingUK hub for Circling and Authentic Relating events in the UK: https://circlinguk.co.uk

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