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О нас

Welcome to Peace of Mind London Group - an exciting new group that is all about building mental and emotional resilience and equilibrium, and achieving happiness, satisfaction and success in life.  

Why do we need this group? 

However well our lives are going, we could all be only 48 hours from long term stress, anxiety, loss of peace of mind, and even depression.  Why?  Because when we are just maintaining an even keel, any number of things could happen to destroy our equilibrium - bereavement, debt, loss of job or career, relationship breakup, bereavement - none of us are immune and we just wouldn’t see it coming.  However this kind of thing is perfectly preventable if we build up our emotional and mental resilience.   

Even during the normal course of life, any of us can wake up feeling sad, hopeless, angry or isolated and alone, for no apparent reason, even when we are normally fairly well balanced.  

We all have all now accepted the need to maintain our physical health by eating healthily, taking exercise and watching our weight.  It seems to be less normal to see our mental health in the same way.  But actually it is identical.  

In the same way that if we don’t eat whatever we want and do targeted exercise to maintain perfect physical health, why do we imagine that we can think in whatever way we want and let our minds run haywire, yet be happy and maintain good mental health and wellbeing ?

What most of us don’t realise is that vibrant happiness and mental / emotional wellbeing is neither an accident nor a mystery.  We can create it for ourselves, It’s not difficult.  Tend your mind as you would a flowerbed, or as you do your physical health, and happiness comes automatically. 

This group is all about answering those questions, building resilience, and creating happiness and peace of mind.  Every meet up will be fun, interesting and above all helpful and practical.  All are designed to enable members to achieve that ultimate goal and to achieve the age old route to wisdom - ‘know thyself’.  


How we deal with the internal reaction of 'stress or anxiety'

How the brain functions under stress

Tony Robbins - The Triad System


Power of language/thought that can turn us into the victim

What are 'Automatic' thoughts & their consequences.  A system of 'Warpy Thoughts' vs the higher self

Avoidance as a natural reaction & life consequences vs benefits

Mindfulness/Relaxation Techniques

Overcoming Fears

Putting Our Tools into Practice

Making New Friends

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