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О нас

C - Creative or Complimentary
H - Holistic or Healing
A - Alternative or Awesome
T - Therapy or Teaching
S - Spiritual or Superpowered

Does this describe yourself or your business? Then join us and help grow a pro-actively supportive network of people working in the 'alternative' fields.

It's friendly networking specifically targeted for people that don't fit the mould !

You know that fish out of water feeling?
You know where you are in a networking meeting attempting to explain the fundamentals of frequency healing to a room full of perplexed-faces, the owners of which all have 'regular' professions, skirt suits, and well-honed elevator pitches?
Square peg anyone?

Have you been wondering how you can share the word about your 'out there' business, 'woo woo' projects or 'crazy' life purpose to the people that actually want to hear about it?
Are you wondering where can you meet others with similar interests, values and vision?

Don't have a service to offer? No problem!
We also welcome observers who just want to show up and be inspired.
It's just as important to have listening ears and you can use your time to talk about your ideas, projects, life purpose, or inspirations.

Who are we?
We are the people trying to make the world a better place by doing things that we didnt learn in school.
We are difficult to define. We have many skills and talents.
We might be misunderstood, we don't fit into a snappy tagline, and we usually need a bit of explanation.
We have spent thousands of hours and pounds on exploration and training and now we're ready to step up and share our gifts with the world.

Oh, and we are reclaiming the word 'CHAT' for real natural human beings :)

The format is simple, short and sweet.
Max 1hr duration - online sharing.
Everyone gets equal time.
You give a short informal pitch explaining what you do, what you have to offer, and/or what you are looking for.

I will compile all contact details, bio's and website links etc on a PDF and distribute to all participants.
Contact each other in your own time.

Thats it!
No more standing meekly while being pitched a business you are totally disinterested in, no more awkwardly trying to elbow into a conversation with the only person in the room you'd like to speak to, no unstructured zoom breakout rooms, no cold sausage rolls, early mornings or cringey speeches.

Bring a glass of wine if you want, or join in while cooking the dinner.
Meet some fabulous people doing wonderful things, and then get back to your evening a little more knowledgable and connected.

Easy peasy feel good and friendly! Im looking forward to meeting you x

(This group is one of three, members of all groups will be joining together for online meetings)