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О нас

What does it cost? Membership is FREE! Riders pay a share of the FUEL cost as determined by the boat owner.


  • Have fun! Make friends and great memories.
  • Life Vest / Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
    You must have your own US Coast Guard approved vest/PFD. You may use a comp vest, but there must be a USCG approved vest for every person on board. Contact the Event Organizer with questions on PFD availability.
  • Be courteous:
  1. No shoes on the boat
  2. Do not bring food or drinks lthat can stain interiors.
  3. Spray on sunblock is difficult to remove confirm boat owners consent before use.
  4. 420 use, smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco use is at boat owners discretion
  5. If you break or damage anything on the boat offer to pay for the repair or replacement.
  • By law, NO GLASS is permitted on the lake or any boat, NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Please note: If you RSVP 'yes' and do not show or change your RSVP to 'no' within 24 hours, we reserve the right to remove you from the group. We understand things happen, contact the event organizer or the MeetUp Admin within 24 hours of the event start time to discuss the issue. This is a policy put in place out of fairness to the other group members.
  • Share the good times! Show us your photos and videos! First time to land that trick? Best crash of the day? Newbie got up on the board today for the first time or just the whole crew rocking a good time on the boat!

…and the boring but important legal stuff:

**To be a member, you must be at least 18 years old**


  • This is an event calendar only, the Administrators assume no liability for any meetup events.
  • Participation in Water sports and boating are inherently dangerous. By electing to participate in these activities each individual accepts those risks and any and all potential outcomes including injury, mental anguish, pain and suffering, loss of life or other risks not defined here.