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This week: free events at Atheists Convention in SLC

From: Steve C
Sent on: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 8:55 AM

Dear Thinking Friends:

Great news for those who cannot pony up admission fees for the coming week’s American Atheists National Convention in SLC.

This is from Amanda Knief, American Atheists managing director:

An ex-Mormon from SLC called AA today to ask about the convention. She wasn't sure she was ready to commit to paying for the whole thing--she said she hasn't told her family she is an atheist yet and wanted to know if she could come for a couple of hours to see what it was all about.

I explained that there was a free event on Wednesday, a free movie on Saturday, day passes for each day, and that the exhibitor / vendor / art show room AND the bookstore are open to the public--plus the hotel will be filled with atheists from all over North America and she is welcome to come and mingle and talk and hang out. I mentioned that the local groups would be there as well to connect with.

She broke down in tears (and I got teary). She was so excited and happy to know we would let her come and be part of the convention. I told her we would NEVER turn anyone away who wanted to be part of the community. THIS is why I love my job.

Here is a link to the free Wednesday evening event.