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Video from American Atheists National Convention, SLC

From: Steve C
Sent on: Sunday, April 20, 2014, 5:57 PM

Dear Thinking Friends:

As the American Atheists National Convention draws to a close and Salt Lake City wonders what hit it, here are links to videos from the event, featuring our own local heroes, that you may enjoy.

On Wednesday evening, April 16, AA president David Silverman and Joanne Hanks (author, It’s Not About the Sex My Ass) joined professors from BYU for a “discussion” called, “Atheists & Mormons: Exposing Myths, Dispelling Stereotypes.” Thanks to the Mormon Transhumanist Association, you can view it in its entirety by clicking here.

On Thursday afternoon, April 17, Dan Ellis (Atheists of Utah), West Monnett (the brave soul who, with his equally brave family, appeared on the infamous atheist billboards here), and Joanne presented a workshop, “So You Think You Know Mormonism.” Thanks to West and his wife Lennie, this presentation is available on YouTube as well. Here they are, in the order in which they spoke:

For Dan’s presentation, click here.

For West’s presentation, click here.

For Joanne’s presentation, click here.

Hope to see you in May.


Steve Cuno

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