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Halloween ASL Meetup!

From: Alan F.
Sent on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 11:27 AM
Hi Everyone,

As you probably know, next week Friday will be Halloween and the fifth Friday of the month. (That doesn't happen very often and is a good excuse as any to have fun!)

There are two (three-ish) Deaf socials in San Francisco happening that day, Frjtz from 6pm to 8pm, and Zeitgeist, a beer garden, from 7pm to midnight. Both Frjtz and Zeitgeist are within 10-minute walking distance of each other. See more information and websites below!

At around the same time as Frjtz, a small group of Deaf people are planning to join Critical Mass in San Francisco. Critical Mass is a bicycling event that gives you an awesome opportunity to see or ride with a swarm of people dressed up in ghostly raiment, ghoulish trappings, pumpkin suits, and more! After this event, we'll all be meeting at Zeitgeist, probably around 8pm (maybe earlier).

Zeitgeist does serve some food, like Mac and Cheese and Burgers.

You are encouraged to dress up for Halloween! Don a mask and let us guess who you might be!

Students, it's a great opportunity to practice your ASL!