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Tomorrow, Sun-ASL Open Mic-Like Event

From: Burnie
Sent on: Saturday, October 18, 2014, 11:18 AM
Hey It's Burnie from ASL Meetup, I missed last night, But,

Our dream has come true we now have 
SF Performers coming for a LIVE SHOW open mic-like event 

This Sunday, Oct. 19 


SF ASL OPEN STAGE-open mic like-LIVE SHOW all welcome!

Host & featured performer Joy Elán (author & 3rd place of Oaklands Got Talent) 

and featured performers  Tonique Hunter 

Plus, ASL Rappers, Silent Mob, w/SF ASLAP(ASL Artists & Performers). 

Open to all level performers. Message me(include your email) or just show up and sign up for open mic-like ASL Event...

@Sweet Inspiration Bakery
2239 Market St, San Francisco, California 94114

Invite your friends on Facebook: 

Come early 
6-8pm LA.s live feed ASL CABARET. Voice Interpreted.

8:00pm SF LIVE SHOW invite to all ASL Performers OPEN STAGE (we don't need a mic); All welcome, All Levels & open to all ASL Performers: Deaf, hoh & hearing. Storytelling, Poetry, Slams, Comedy, Skits, Song Interpretations... Come try it out... (come early to sign-up OR sign-up in advance for best spot by private messaging us here)

Message from LA's ASL Cabaret
Mona Jean Cedar:
"This is super wonderful! You are awesome for doing this. I remember our lunch together after the ASL Showcase at the National Poetry Slams in Oakland when I said it would be a dream of mine to have viewing parties for ASL Cabaret all over the world. You said you would set one up and you did! Bless your heart!
We will have an amazing show for you. The multi-talented actress/singer/dancer/performance artits TL Forsberg who just rocked Kentucky's DeaFestival will be our featured artist and and the infamous performer/drummer Bob Hiltermann of Beethoven's Nightmare will be our host. 
And lots of other Los Angeles luminaries... you'll just have to see for yourself.
A million merci's to you mon amie!
see you on the stream!"

Viewing party sponsored by new group...
To join group join FB group or come early....

ASL CABARET is a Los Angeles event that we want to recreate in SF; 

We want to start a SF monthly:
-open stage (open mic) show
and support cross-promotion of and growing artists for the 
Deaf Dance Festival,
Santa Cruz event
and Walnut Creek ASL Events!

ASLAP (ASL Artists & Performers) 
Is an open SF Bay Area Group that wants to start a monthly cabaret (inspired by L.A. ASL cabaret) with performance on open stage (open mic like) storytelling, poetry, slams, comedy, skits, song interpretation (we will try not to bore you) all performances in american sign language with interpretation... all level, all ages. ASL thang for Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing... lets spread the love of ASL... please cross promote and post other events...

Thank you! 

Text is best as I am hard-of-hearing(yes, I can hear music); So, leave your number in email so I can call you back by relay if I cannot hear you on the phone) 

Swing U School & Events: 
-SF Bal Fest,  
-Queen of Swing Norma Miller's 95th Birthday 
-Valentine Fest for Swing Star Ray Hirsch Birthday 
-Halloween Swings @ 'All The Cats Join In'  

So-Cal Open, North American Open & Northern California Open 
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