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Re: [asl-294] A.S.L. Cabaret; watch live w/us Sun., Sept. 27

From: Dana Darienzo J.
Sent on: Monday, September 15, 2014, 9:57 PM

Where at? Sounds fun.

-----Original Message-----
From: Burnie <[address removed]>
To: asl-294 <[address removed]>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15,[masked]:39 PM
Subject: [asl-294] A.S.L. Cabaret; watch live w/us Sun., Sept. 27

Tell your friends... ASL Cabaret... 
Join us in SF (or watch online & just 'like' our page)

on Sunday, September 28 

International Deaf Awareness Week

for a live viewing of 
Los Angeles based 
'ASL Cabaret'

Why: To inspire Bay Area ASL Artists and performers to practice and maybe do a monthly open stage event; Our own ASL Cabaret! 


If you want to help us organize then join our Facebook group: 

If you support us and want to help us spread the news even from affar then 'like' the facebook page: 
ASLAP Signers Cabaret Open Stage in SF
Open group performances in american sign language w/interpretation; Storytelling, poetry, slams,...
Preview by Yahoo
Yes, we're in SF and you may not be (you can still watch online or do a viewing party if you'd like). 
Streaming LIVE to D-PAN (Deaf Professional Arts Network) join the fun through their FB page
Thank you!


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