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Re: [philosophy-184] Why Occam's Razor is (or is not) a good principle---also time and venue

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, September 10, 2012, 5:30 PM
Hi David,
I also am appreciating the responsibility that you took, I know there is a lot of work to do.
I have a silly question to ask and don't mean to discomfort anybody in the group, but is there any possibility of making berkeley as our meet up location?

From: irina <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, September 10,[masked]:13 PM
Subject: RE: [philosophy-184] Why Occam's Razor is (or is not) a good principle---also time and venue

Hi David,
Good luck on the new task! I am sure it will be great!
I would vote on days other than weekend, if that works for the group.. I was not able to attend because it was Sunday, unfortunately..
Just sharing my thoughts..
My best-
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [philosophy-184] Why Occam's Razor is (or is not) a good principle---also time and venue
Date: Mon, 10 Sep[masked]:16:22 -0400

Dear SF Philosophy Group members,
I have big shoes to fill, and will make every effort to fill them as well as possible. First, I too would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to Paul for running a successful group discussing substantive matters peaceably for the past three years.
For the first topic under my stewardship, I have chosen that of why Occam's Razor is (or is not) a good principle. Hopefully, this will yield interesting suggestions as to the epistemic situations where it is or is not a good principle to invoke. Most people favor the Razor at least in some circumstances--which, and why, should make a great topic of discussion which will allow members with very different knowledge bases to interact fruitfully.
I will post a further discussion of the topic with background resources and a short essay on the topic when a time and venue has been decided. This has yet to happen, largely due to problems with the previous time and venue, the Celtic Coffee Company on Sunday afternoons. On the subject of when and where to meet, I welcome suggestions from those who intend to meet at the said time and place. Whoever has an idea should start a discussion thread on this website (rather than a long string of e-mails that will be overwhelming to many). Preferably, suggested spots should be easily accesible by BART and other means of public transportation, since many members live near rather than in San Francisco and not all both have cars and love to park them in the City.
David Shalen

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