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New Meetup: Saturday Surfin' in the O.C. area....

From: Richard G.
Sent on: Friday, December 26, 2008, 3:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Santa Monica Surfers!

What: Saturday Surfin' in the O.C. area....

When: December 27,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hello Everyone,
"Let's Go Surfing @ Bolsa Chica"

Note: We'll be surfing in front of the Lifeguard Towers #17 & #18.
The waves are predicted to be in the range of 2 to 3 ft. max.

Let's meet @ Bolsa Chica at the end of parking lot #16 starting around 8 AM and surf in front of the bathroom's area between "Lifeguard Tower #17 & #18" starting around 8:30.
This parking location is in the 2nd parking lot south/left of the entrance just past the R.V. lot, look for me in or around my blue Trail Blazer (as in photo) starting around 8 AM.
If you arrive later on after 8 AM that's alright too, just look for us we'll be surfing and or hanging out in front of the area of where my beach chair is with a blue towel draped over it between Lifeguard Towers #17 & #18, from 8:30 AM till possibly noon or later?
If you do arrive later in the day, try to hang out next to my chair before going out and we'll try to look out for surfers arriving later through out the day,
If you have any questions about this meet up or other questions, contact me directly through my email address.
Sea Ya Sunday. Thanks, Richard

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