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From: Laura Rose D.
Sent on: Monday, October 9, 2017, 3:04 PM
The SCAN Board of Directors wants to make sure that you come to the special meeting where our guest has come all the way from Belgrade Serbia to give this lecture to our group on,

”Message from Chiron”, by Lea Vlk coming from Belgrade, Serbia
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
6:00 PM

Polly's Bakery Cafe
23701 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills, CA

Chiron gives us many lessons and they culminate in the sign of Taurus where we are given the next step into how to use the Chiron energy to heal our body, mind and soul. Chiron teaches us how to use its astrological influence and applying it to everyday life. Lea will also talk about how to use a practical technique to heal yourself and others, using the influence of Chiron.

Lea Vlk

From the early age she showed a tendency towards spiritual and energetic healing. When she turned 16 years old she began her adventure by acquainting herself with the elements of knowing and learning about meditation and astrology. She then became the youngest student of Johanes Kepler Institute where she acquired her knowledge and expands her abilities in astrology and many others spiritual techniques. After a few years she founded the Chiron Association to help spread her knowledge and talents for her clients trough many seminars, work shops, and group meditations. She was a participant of many work shops organized by world experts and lectures in astrology, regression, and quantum medicine. The area she uses the most in her everyday practice is Astro-healing therapy applying the use of inherited gifts, using bach drops, flower essences and crystal therapy. Together with practical, astrology, applying it to reval to her clients how to live and find the better version of themselves in todays life, healing themselves, their love, financial and the most important health problems. She also addresses how not to be afraid of new beginnings.

For more information be sure and call Laura Desjardins[masked].

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