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lending a hand

From: Phil
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2016, 6:33 PM

At the end of this month the pool will be closing for annual maintenance. They are looking for volunteers to help with this. Once drained we will  clean, patch and repair whatever we can. This year there's a lot of work that has to be done. As divers we need a pool to, learn, practice, refresh etc... Now would be a great time to come and help out. The club could use the help, it is a great not for profit organization that does amazing things with the youth of America. Here is what we at the shop can do for you Anyone who volunteers their time at the Boys and Girls Club will find that if they need pool time or any classes they want to take with us this or next season will be extremely discounted. I mean almost free. So contact me right away if you want to help with this is for next month. The kids could sure use your help
The maintenance will be scheduled for the evenings after work. But if you can do the daytime. I'm sure there is something to do then too.Dates are:: August Tu.26-[masked] September[masked] maybe 5-6

If you can, reply with dates and times that you can contribute. I hope you can see the value in helping us maintain a valuable resource.
Questions, contact me ASAP



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