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Selling my gently used perfectly-working Wacom Intuos 3 size 6x11" (active area) digitizing pen Tablet

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, March 27, 2009, 12:44 PM
Selling my gently used perfectly-working Wacom Intuos 3 size 6x11" (active area) digitizing pen Tablet. ( I got a new Intuos4) I purchased this Intuos 3 in Jan 08.

This product revolutionized my creative life! It feels like a real pen, brush, marker or pencil, and the sensitivity to gesture is incredible for drawing, retouching, etc. This product includes: Intuos3 tablet, Grip Pen, extra nylon and graphite nibs, UNUSED Five-button Mouse, software CD? all in original retail box. I will throw in an unopened OnOne PhotoTune Photoshop plugin as well. Wacom and Plug-ins work on MACS and PCs alike.

This 6x11 long rectangular shape is perfect for today's wide-screen display monitors and two-display configuration like i have. Additionally, this tablet is large enough for longer gestural lines suited for digital painting and illustration? where the smaller tablet tend to fall short. The dual scroll strips and touch buttons can be easily set (through the preferences) to do any number of key commands, macros or other functions? so you spend much less time in menus and keys and more time being creative

"The Intuos3 Grip Pen uses Wacom's patented cordless, battery-free technology and features a cushioned, contoured barrel that reduces grip effort by up to 40%. With a 1, 024 levels of pressure-sensitivity, a DuoSwitch, a built-in eraser, and three nib styles for different "feels", the Intuos3 Grip Pen gives you control, comfort, and productivity. "

As this is a used device, there are a few small marks here and there, but nothing that would in any way affect overall aesthetics or quality or work. NEW these retail for $369 This used one works perfectly for $220, less than a new smaller tablet.

Local cash pickup. First come, first served.

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