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New Meetup: Hallowe'en Evening Paddle on Lake Union

From: Martin
Sent on: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 10:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Sea Kayaking Meetup Group!

What: Hallowe'en Evening Paddle on Lake Union

When: October 31,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Lets meet for a Hallowe'en paddle on Lake Union. This trip will depend on the weather. We?ll meet at Montlake Playfield at 7pm for a two-hour paddle amongst the house boats. Afterwards we can find a place to get drinks.

Rating: This trip is rated ?protected? or SK1. Participants should bring their own (or borrowed) kayaks and gear. A wet suit or dry suit is advised. If people have gear to lend please indicate this in your RSVP - we can perhaps arrange to pass around surplus gear. We will not go out in strong wind.

What to bring:
Kayak, paddle, Paddle Float and Bilge Pump.
PFD, Clothes for paddling, Kayak Shoes,
Change of clothes for after, towel.
Rain Hat
Lights - at least one white light e.g. headlamp (not a strobe or flashing light) to be mounted on the kayak on worn on the person. Cyalume lights work great because they still work when wet. Fasten them to your kayak with duct tape.
Perhaps a power bar or dried figs to munch on.
Sense of Humor and fun.

Directions to the meeting place:
From 520 Eastbound take the Montlake Blvd exit and Turn right onto E Montlake Pl E and onto 24th street going south. Turn right at E Lynn St and after about half a mile turn right at 16th Ave E.

From 520 Westbound take the Lake Washingtom Blvd exit and turn left at the end of the ramp heading towards the Arboretum. Turn right at Boyer Ave E. Cross 24th street and carry on to 16th Ave E, which is a slight right turn. Follow this into the parking lot.


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