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Re: [seakayaking-35] Anyone up for a swim

From: Heather
Sent on: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 10:17 AM
Hey Sual,
Sounds like a great idea, count me in. Are you looking to do this at night?
Heather Wireman

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Saul <[address removed]> wrote:
As part of my rehab, I'm looking for people to go swimming with and will happily pay your pool fee. I'm not yet comfortable weaving through crowded wet  pool  decks on crutches solo and depending on the pool I may need help climbing out and getting back on my crutches. Let me know if you're up for hitting the water.

Thanks Saul

Saul Kinderis
[address removed]

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