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LAST CALL! Seattle Flickr Friday Challenge: June 7th: Lines

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 11:11 AM



Reminder to get your LINES entry in tonight!

The entries this week are terrific!

And it's nice to see a few new participants :-)


If you didn't catch the updated shooting time frame, you have till Thursday to shoot your image.


So that means you still have time TODAY to get out there and shoot your LINES image and enter it onto the thread tonight!

If you don't know where to post your photo, post it here:

If you don't know how to post your photo (not the link to your photo) on the thread, read through the thread (the above link), you will find instructions.


And to those that have RSVP'd and yet to submit an image, I expect to see a photo posted from you this evening! ;-)

You do not need to RSVP to participate in this event.


Cheers - Leilah.

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