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LAST CALL! Seattle Flickr Friday Challenge: June 14th: Waterdrops

From: Leilah.
Sent on: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 9:53 AM



Today is Thursday, this is your reminder to get your "Waterdrops" photo in on the Flickr thread!


This morning you should be able to find PLENTY of water drops all around you and falling from the sky ;-)

"Spill" some soda from lunch on the (oops) table, wash a piece of fruit and don't dry it. Water droplet from the shower head.

For a quick shot, use your mobile phone!


If you don't know where to post your image, post it here:


If you don't know how to post your image to the discussion board thread, leave a comment and I'll post steps.


And start thinking of a theme you'd like to shoot for the 28th that you'd like to submit for a vote. I'll compile the entries and send out a poll.



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