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News & Special Offer: Go to ZendCon for $299 (limit 25, first come, first serve)

From: Jacob M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 12:10 PM

Hey everyone!

San Francisco PHP will have a booth at ZendCon this year, and along with that, we have managed to get an awesome set of discount codes from Zend to share with you!

Zend is offering a special conference promotion to the members of our Meetup.
The conference is on OCT 27-30 (next week) in Santa Clara, CA

The first 25 people can register for only $299 instead of $1,295 by using the code Z14MUPC - Good through 11:59 pm 10/24/2014.

If that offer is sold out, you can still save $300 (making the ticket $995) over today's price by using the code Z14MUP300 - $300 discount off Conference Only and Conference/Tutorial – Good through 11:59 pm 10/24/2014.

Register at:

So remember to stop by and say "Hi!" to Jacob if you're at ZendCon, and have fun!

San Francisco PHP Organizers


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