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Looking for speakers for our Sep 28th event

From: Aleksandar G.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 3:41 PM

Our September 28th event is just a week away, and we still have not been able to confirm the speakers who indicated that they wanted to cover mobile-web-development/PhoneGap.

Instead of waiting, I think we should turn this into a community-driven event.

Are any of you willing and able to deliver a [mini] presentation on anything that you think it would be of interest to our group at our 9/28 event? There are plenty of ideas for subjects we could cover or you could even demo your own app(s). We'll record all presentations and post them up on YouTube.

If you are brave enough to step forward, let us know by replying to this Forum thread with a short description of what you would like to talk about, and maybe a sentence or two about yourself.


Aleksandar (Sa?a) Gargenta
Marakana Inc.

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