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Check out Samsung Tab, AppMobi, Corona, InMobi, and MoPub on Sep 28th

From: Aleksandar G.
Sent on: Friday, September 24, 2010, 12:44 PM

Instead of the originally planned mobile-web-development presentation for our September 28th meetup we are doing something different :-)

Come to our first Android Mixer, with a number of interesting presentations:

First up will be Martin Tannerfors and Hod Greeley from Samsung who generously offered to show us Samsung Galaxy Tabs running Froyo (2.2) and discuss some of the best practices of developing apps that are able to take advantage of the tab-form-factor. You'll even be able to test your own apps on the Samsung Tabs Martin and Hod plan to pass around. About 30 mins.

Second up will be Steve Tsuruda who will introduce us to AppMobi, the first cross-device mobile development and deployment system that completely eliminates the need for mobile SDKs. Kind of like PhoneGap that we originally wanted to talk about, AppMobi is 100% web language based ? code completely in HTML, JS, CSS, AJAX, etc. Sounds interesting. About 30 mins.

Our third speaker will be Eric Herrmann, who also generously offered to do a short demo/presentation on rapid development of native games and apps using Corona SDK and Game Edition. Corona SDK allows cross-compilation to Android and iOS devices from the same source code. All graphics are fully OpenGL accelerated; Android 1.6 through 2.2 are supported; dynamic content scaling permits apps to easily adapt to multiple device resolutions; native UI and hardware support, sqlite, and many multimedia features are incredibly easy to use in Corona. Corona Game Edition, further accelerates game development with the addition of an integrated physics engine, texture-memory optimized sprite sheet support, and more. About 30 mins.

Our fourth speaker will be Gregory Kennedy, who offered to introduce us to InMobi and share interesting information regarding advertising monetization strategies. About 10 minutes.

Our final speaker will be James Payne from MoPub, who also offered to introduce us to their cross platform mobile ads serving platform. They want to help developers make more money without sacrificing their user experience. About 10 minutes.

As you can tell, this format is different than what we are used to, but it should be a lot of fun nevertheless!

Pizzas/drinks will be sponsored by Sarah Samuel from Technology Credit Union. As before, we'll be giving away books and other swag to the lucky winners.

For details, and to RSVP go to the event page.


Aleksandar (Sa?a) Gargenta
Marakana Inc.

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