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Re: [linux-5] Looking for freelance web programmer and C/C++ application programmer

From: looi eng i.
Sent on: Monday, May 17, 2010, 10:24 PM
I got an internet forum friend discussing about the X-SOFTWARE which is suitable for mandriva linux 2007.  Can anyone know how to make the X-SOFTWARE compatible with all the latest versions Linux available  ?
Can anyone please explain what is gnome interface and how to fix the bug below :

Thus far, the existing bugs with the X-SOFTWARE is that for the gnome interface and latest versions of most linux, the standard terminal causes the keyboard to lost control. and another bug is the VNC(virtual network computing)server only work perfectly for linux redhat7.3.


If your friend could spend time to fix these two bugs, it would save me a lot of time. so, in return, i ll help them to take control of X-SOFTWARE for me, playing the role of X-SOFWARE server to all others.



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