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San Jose Panera Bread Wednesday Meetup

From: Jim G.
Sent on: Sunday, August 5, 2012, 12:26 PM

I have not scheduled a San Jose Meetup this week because I have a conflict and can't make it.

I also haven't scheduled future Wednesday meetups because I am not sure I can support meetups in San Jose anymore. I live in Redwood City and San Jose is a very long train ride and a twenty minute walk. My plan for the San Jose Panera Bread Wednesday meetups was that I would host only in the event of an emergency when there were no other co-organizers or regular members familiar with our group to host the event. These emergencies seem to be occurring more and more rather than less and less.

To make this meetup work I need at least two members, ideally three, to attend this meetup more or less regularly so that at least one of them will be available as a host. If none of the designated hosts can make a meetup, hopefully someone else will have signed up who could host. Occasionally, I could possibly host an event, and in the worst case the event could be cancelled if the only people who signed up were first timers.

If we can't manage this, then I think we may have to use ad hoc meetups for Northern San Jose. We have had these in the past with some success. Any member is free to schedule a meetup anywhere in the Valley at any time. Also, Rebecca is conducting weekend meetups in South San Jose from time to time so that may be an option for some.

I enjoy our meetups, and have met many very nice and helpful people so it pains me to have to write this email, but I also have to be realistic about my time commitments.

If you would like to help in any way, please contact me by replying to this message or directly at [address removed].


Jim Gay
Co-organizer, Shut Up & Write! Silicon Valley




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