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From: Michelle G.
Sent on: Friday, October 16, 2009, 9:16 PM
Welcome Sin City snowboarders,

We are gaining members quickly. 38 in the last few days.Thanks so much for joining the group!! I hope your ready for some fun on the mountain!! I would love to hear some feedback from everyone as far as their favorite resorts and where you would love to ride this winter?

I myself love Park City and want to plan a few sweet weekend trips there. Airfare is cheap if booked a few
weeks in advance and there are plenty of inexpensive places to stay.

I'm also looking into a New Zealand trip for Summer 2010. If you haven't heard how great the snowboarding is there check out this website

Plus beginners don't worry I'm sure we can get some of our more seasoned boarders to help teach and have you carving down the mountain in no time. I can't wait until that first snow!! Looking forward to hearing all
your ideas for this season.


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