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Special Discount for Thursday's Meetup - Sketch Comedy "Rub My Antenna"

From: Jinx
Sent on: Monday, January 9, 2012, 8:22 PM

Hey there,

For those interested in attending this Thursday's Meetup - Sketch Comedy "Rub My Antenna" - I just found out that is offering a special 30% discount on tickets. (As I write this, there are 5 hours left to grab this discount.)

The special discount is at

*** Make sure you get tickets for 12 Jan 2012 (Thu) - because that's the day of our Meetup.

The full details for this Thursday's Meetup are at

So if you're interested in attending this Thursday's Meetup - be sure to grab this discount now before it expires!
(Make sure you get tickets for 12 Jan 2012, Thursday - because that's the day of our Meetup.)


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