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Hi! If you're hungry for good literature, you've stumbled across the right page! There are several lists floating around these days of the 100 best books of all time. Some of these books have changed society and the world as we know it. These lists are varied based on who is determining them and they contain everything from Shakespeare and Charles Dickens to "Bridget Jones Diary" and the Harry Potter series. What's amazing is that the average person has only read about 4 books from any of these given lists. My desire is to find other individuals who are hungry for some good literature accompanied by good friends and maybe some good food and wine, to discuss some of these literary works of art. This club is focusing specifically on the classics, or books with a significant representation of and/or impact on cultures around the world. There are plenty of options to choose from and something sure to fit just about any preference. There's nothing like diving into a good book, but it's even better when you have people to discuss it with.
Interested? Join the group, check out our current selection, and get started reading! Read the book first, then come to the meeting to discuss.
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Books we've read so far (May 2010 - January 2023)
Books we've read so far:
150. A House for Mr Biswas
149. On The Road
148. Black Narcissus
147. To The Lighthouse
146. Story of an African Farm
145. Last of the Mohicans
144. Season of Migration to the North
143. Snow Country
142. Invisible Man
141. Lady Chatterley's Lover
140. The Old Man and the Sea
139. Infinite Jest
138. Dream of the Nine Clouds
137. Carmilla
136. Call of the Wild
135. Wide Sargasso Sea
134. I, Claudius
133. A Thousand Splendid Suns
132. Crime and Punishment
131. Candide
130. Persuasion
129. The Jungle
128. Atlas Shrugged
127. Treasure Island
126. The Haunting of Hill House
125. The Story of Layla and Majnun
124. Oliver Twist
123. Little House on the Prairie
122. Never the Twain
121. Wuthering Heights
120: The Plague
119. To Kill a Mockingbird
118. Pedro Paramo
117. The Tale of Genji
116. Anne of Green Gables
115. Watership Down
114. Noli Me Tangere
113. The Death of Artemio Cruz
112. No Longer Human
111. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
110. Tropic of Cancer
109. The Diary of Anne Frank
108. Flowers for Algernon
107. Reading Lolita in Tehran
106. Anna Karenina
105. Wolf Totem
104. Turn of the Screw
103. Angela's Ashes
102. The Slap
101. Fahrenheit 451
100. If We Dream Too Long
99. Little Women
98. The Stranger
97. Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
96. The Fat Years
95. The Count of Monte Cristo
94. Huckleberry Finn
93. Slaughterhouse 5
92. Solaris
91. For Whom the Bell Tolls
90. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
89. The Good Earth
88. A Room with a View
87. Remains of the Day
86. Beloved
85. Brave New World
84. Dream of the Red Chamber
83. Left Hand of Darkness
82. The Stepford Wives
81. Jude the Obscure
80. The Leopard
79. Please Look After Mother
78. Roots
77. Jane Eyre
76. Zorba the Greek
75. Catcher in the Rye
74. Dangerous Liaisons
73. Middlemarch
72. Emma
71. Carrie
70. House of the Spirit
69. Their Eyes Were Watching God
68. Spring Snow
67. And then there were none
66. Half of a yellow Sun
65. The Bell Jar
64. The Name of the Rose
63. A Handmaids Tale
62. A Suitable Boy
61. The Heart of Darkness
60. Phantom of the Opera
59. Grapes of Wrath
58. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
57. If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler
56. The Iliad
55. Lolita
54. The Trial
53. Mrs Dalloway
52. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
51. Gone With the Wind
50. Unbearable lightness of being
49. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
48. Pride and Prejudice
47. Dune
46. Brothers Karamazov
45. Tess of the D’Ubervilles
44. Perfume
43. Wine Up Bird Chronicle
42. Moby Dick
41. Midnight’s Children
40. War and Peace
39. Things Fall Apart
38. Master and Margarita
37. All Quiet on the Western Front
36. A Tale of Two Cities
35. Love in the Time of Cholera
34. A Clockwork Orange
33. Steppenwolfe
32. The Godfather
31. The Scarlet Letter
30. In Cold Blood
29. Les Miserables
28. A Passage to India
27. Frankenstein
26. Dr Zhivago
25. Thus Spoke Zarathustra
24. Atonement
23. The Colour Purple
22. Ulysses
21. Norwegian Wood
20. The Motorcycle Diaries
19. Nostromo
18. Don Quixote
17. The Idiot
16. Dracula
15. Catch 22
14. The 3 Musketeers
13. Vanity Fair
12. 100 Years of Solitude
11. 1984
10. Lord of the Flies
9. The Fountainhead
8. God of Small Things
7. The Picture of Dorian Grey
6. Great Expectations
5. Diaries of a Madman
4. Madam Bovary
3. A Farewell To Arms
2. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
1. The Great Gatsby

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