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Re: [Blues-Listening-and-Dancing-RR] Best Birthday Party Ever!!!!!!

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 15, 2011, 6:27 AM
Where do you all meet? Does anyone like to car pool from Scottsdale?

From: Larry Head <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, November 14,[masked]:33 PM
Subject: [Blues-Listening-and-Dancing-RR] Best Birthday Party Ever!!!!!!

Best Birthday Party Ever!!!! 
  Who knew growing old could be soooo much fun!!!  I want to thank everyone for coming Saturday night, what a great night!  Thanks to Mary for taking such great pictures...did anyone notice her out there dancing whenever she felt like it?  I did, its what I do or did before I started this group...I say if the urge to dance hits you just go do it!!  What a great bunch of people, the best group of people I've ever had the privilege of hanging out with.  Everyone is so polite and thoughtful.  Even the men, go figure :) 
We have some more fun coming up on the 26th with the bad News Blues Band then on the 2nd of December we celebrate another birthday, our Illustrious King of the Blues.. Leonard Quintana, Leonard has been with the group since the beginning, for a couple months we only had a hand full of Very Cool Peeps show up at the events..he always sat right next to the post so we decided he would be the center of the group.  He is easy to spot with his blues hat and is one of the friendliest men I lets all come down on the 2nd of December and wish him a happy birthday....
If any of you are ever visiting Tuscon and looking for a great Blues club please let me know, we have a Tuscon branch to this group with Corrina Gil, a beautiful and sweet young lady who came and visited us awhile back..Its almost time for me to drive on down and see Tuscon. 
Thanks everyone for the cards, the emails and the hugs and yes even the chips and salsa, Steve :)  
I consider all of you my friends so please email me or send an invite to join me on Facebook by looking me up with my email address  [address removed]
Your Organizer,
Larry Head
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This message was sent by Larry Head ([address removed]) from Dancing to the Blues @ The Rhythm Room.
To learn more about Larry Head, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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