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Thank you

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 11:29 AM



Hey VCP!

Thanks to all of you who came to the RR last night. A special thanks to those who brought food. The subs sure went fast.

I know I haven't put a lot of energy into the RR events this year. I apologize to those of you who really enjoy the events there.  It might be my new love for country western music. Oddly I dislike the music all my life but heard The Zac Brown Band on a TV show and fell in love with them and subsequently CW music.  It's all I listen to anymore...Go figure :)   I have been going to a place called Toby Keith's lately to dance. I don't know how to do all the CW swinging and I can barely two step but I still love dancing to the music.  Freestyle I guess is the label used. I call it "letting go". Forgetting about everything but the music and letting your body move to it. Most folks either stand and watch the dancers or dance the traditional CW dance.  Makes me the oddball but I'm OK with that. Dance like no ones watching is my motto.

I think Wednesday nights at Handlebar J's would be a great place and time to do a little letting go. I know we are doing a Thursday blues night there once a month but that leaves us three Wednesdays we can have an event there.  The place is real busy on Wednesday nights but the weather is amazing so we can get a table outside to congregate at when not dancing.

I will keep having RR events, Wendy will keep up the Thursday Blues Night, and Dary will be having great events for the cool peeps who live out east.

I could use a little feedback as to what groups you like to dance to at the RR.  Pick from groups we have already been to this last year.

See you all soon I hope,

Larry Head


all replies come to me only

An early Happy Holidays to all of you.