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Holiday Event...

From: Larry D H.
Sent on: Sunday, November 16, 2014, 1:01 PM

Hey Very Cool Peeps,

I want to have a Holiday/New Years event this year for our Meetup group.  We can do Friday Dec 26th Cold Shott and Hurricane Horns or Saturday Dec 27th Tommy Dukes Band.

If interested pls reply if you might make it and which night would be best.

Your response will determine if we have one at all and which night.



Clark Kent Head



OH and thx for all the name change suggestions and especially for not going with any tasteless joke names :) not that I don't like tasteless jokes.  I'm trying out some new names as you can see above  haha  Ok maybe a bit of a joke name

possibly Johnny Bravo Head?


all replies will come to me alone

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