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French Speaking Preschool Teacher Needed

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, October 27, 2014, 2:26 PM

A French Immersion Preschool in Oakland is looking for a dedicated Early Childhood professional to join our dynamic team of educators.  We have one temporary, full-time position available with the possibility of future permanent, full-time employment. We offer a great health benefits and competitive salary.


We are a non-profit French preschool with a 100% immersion program committed to early childhood education.  Our mission is to provide a safe and prosperous environment for the whole child; socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively.  Our primary focus is placed on the needs of children (ages 2.9-5 years) and their family.  Our goal is to provide a stimulating and educational experience through developmentally appropriate practices.


All Preschool Teacher applicants must possess the following:

·      6 E.C.E units required, additional units preferred

·      CPR and First Aid Certified or willing to get certified

·      Ability to pass Livescan Background Check

·      Flexible, reliable, and punctual

·      Professional, creative, and enthusiastic

·      Fluent French speaker


If you are interested in a position with our company, please email your cover letter and resume to [address removed].

We look forward to hearing from you.

Jena Thomas
Executive Director
1255 First Avenue
Oakland, CA 94606

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