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Changes at Spirit in the City!

From: Martin D.
Sent on: Monday, December 16, 2013, 4:08 PM

Dear friends,

For the past three years we have been hosting Spirit in the City every two weeks in Dublin’s City Centre. The idea began through wanting to create a community of people that could meetup and talk about topics that were meaningful to them and listen to speakers talk about their own life journeys and ways that they discovered helped give them meaning in their lives.

In January 2014 Spirit in the City will be no more. However, far from disappearing it will transform into a new event & lecture series call ‘Soul Seminars’, expanding and enhancing what Spirit in the City did. We will continue to have meetups in Dublin once a month, however we will also have meetups in Dunderry Park, Co. Meath once per month. We wanted to become accessible for people coming from the midlands and the west of Ireland and we also wanted to give people the opportunity to get out of the city and enjoy some time in nature. For this reason, on the day of the meetups Dunderry Park will be open from 2pm for people to relax, chat and explore the grounds of The Park. This meetup page will change in the next few days from Spirit in the City to Soul Seminars so there is no need to sign up to anything new :D

About Soul Seminars

SOUL SEMINARS is a new lecture and event series set up to help create community and explore interesting ideas together, replacing Spirit in the City that has been running for almost 3 years now. The ongoing groups will be held once monthly at Dunderry Park and once monthly at a Dublin City Centre location exploring issues surrounding the ‘soul’. Prominent psychotherapists, artists and holistic practitioners will facilitate the seminars. There will also be one off events such as The Spirit of Folk Festival, larger weekend and one day lecture series and group outings.

The goal of the seminars will be to inspire people to make positive choices that will lead to a fuller life, a more compassionate mind and a larger heart! Among others, topics will include ‘creating a spiritual life’, ‘the importance of creativity’, ‘minding your mind’, ‘cultivating compassion for yourself and others’ as well as practical nights exploring shamanism, meditation, hemi sync guided imagery and active imagination. As well as talks and lectures we will also host music, film and poetry nights aimed to bring people together in the appreciation of life and experienced art.

So, as always we welcome your feedback, what did you enjoy about Spirit in the City, what speakers/topics inspired you and what would you like to see in the future at Soul Seminars…..

Till January!

All the best,

Martin and team

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