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December events and gatherings!

From: Martin D.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 1:11 PM

Dear friends,

We have some interesting and inspiring events coming up before the new year that we hope you can join us for!

***Spirit in the City - Engaged Prayer :: Thursday 12th December

The next Spirit in the City will be a fascinating talk on the topic of Engaged Prayer with guest facilitator Stephen Pitcher. Stephen will talk more about the act of prayer and our own role and engagement in it. Stephen will review the characteristics of the type of prayer we are normally taught and his view on the shortcomings of this model from the perspective of both indigenous wisdom and quantum physics.

***Shamanic States/Sacred Sites – Winter Solstice Workshop :: 21st Dec

At this day long workshop we will be participating in a:
• Sacred Sites/Druid ceremony on the hill of Tara, and the fairy tree ritual.
• Fire Ceremony, ritual to burning off the old patterns to make room for the new.
• Stalking awareness in Nature to connect with our power place and tune into natural intelligence
• Spirit Boat, to the realms of the sidhe, fairy folk to gain wisdom and healing from the shining ones.
• Shamanic Journeying to meet our animals and spirit guides to get help and healing with what ails us.
• Trance Dance to the beat of tribal sounds to help connect to our deeper selves through our bodies.

***New Years Eve Shamanic Gathering :: 31st December

The Event will include:
• Sacred Circle for sharing our hopes and desires
for the coming year.
• Drumming/chanting, and dancing
to build up the energy for the Firewalk.
• Ritual Firewalk
• Fireworks display
• Chinese Lanterns
• Trance Dance and Party Time
• Light refreshments/food and wine will be served.

For more information email [address removed] or call[masked]

Warm regards,

Martin Duffy
Shamanic Counsellor and Teacher