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Thanks for the great turnout tonight!

From: Anthony B.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 11:54 PM
Hola todos!

Wow - what a fantastic turnout we had tonight at Denim! It was really good to see you all and I had a great time.

* Proposal to change the Meetup venue

After speaking to several of you about the venue for our meetups, I got a lot of pro/con feedback about the Fox Hotel. What I gathered from my conversation with members was that a lot of you don't like the fact that it is so noisy and crowded there - especially when all the uni students raid the place for their pub crawls.

On the other hand, as Grant pointed out, it helps the conversation flow when people have the chance to wet their tongues with a couple of beers or a glass of wine... :)

Therefore, I am open to suggestions about an alternative place (with a liquor licence!) to meet, where we can get together and practice or help others with our Spanish. I was thinking about West End, which has lots of cozy places to go. Of course, the noise factor is a problem for us, because we have to hear what other people are saying to make the meetup worthwhile, so it needs to be an open area with plenty of seating.

Also, I wish to extend my sincere apologies to those members who have had troubles finding the meetup group recently. This is another reason for my suggestion to find another more suitable venue than the Fox hotel, which tends to get rather crowded.

*Meetup Picnic (date to be advised)

Another great idea bandied around tonight is for the Spanish Meetup to get together during the daytime on perhaps a Saturday in a big park like New Farm Park, so we can have a picnic game of soccer etc. The ideal way to go would be for everyone to bring a plate of food, bag of chips, etc and own drinks. Of course all the kids would be welcome too!

Let me know your thoughts. Another thing - please excuse my lack of Spanish in this letter - I prefer to write in English until my Spanish improves so I can get my point across.

Hasta luego!

Anthony :)