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From: Caryn
Sent on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 4:39 PM
The company I work for is searching for a person who is an EXPERT in Regional Mexican and Spanish Oldies Music. PLEASE check this out and pass on to anyone you know who might be a good candidate. 
This is a full time temp position for 12 weeks. This person should be able to identify Latin music by title and artist by listening. No editorial talent is needed, but experience with excel and database software would be ideal. You must be fluent in Spanish and be able to listen to hours of Latin Radio.
Candidates should be bilingual (english does not have to be perfect if they are hispanic), have at least a general knowledge of working a PC and Microsoft Office, be self-motivated, punctual, able to work in an efficient and timely manner, and possess a desire to learn in a fast-paced environment.
Send a resume by email to Joe McKesson : [address removed]

Estamos Solicitando:

Especialista De Identificaci?n De Audio

Usted escucha la radio?

Se sabe todas las canciones y los artistas?


Landmark Digital Services en Nashville, TN actualmente est? solicitando un puesto temporal de Analista de Identificaci?n De Audio en el area de West End de Nashville. 


Se busca un individuo que tenga la habilidad de identificar t?tulos de canciones y artistas en emisiones radiales. El candidato debe de ser biling?e (aunque su ingl?s no tiene que ser perfecto), ser muy motivado, puntual y capaz de trabajar de una manera eficiente y oportuna. Debe ser experto en los siguientes formatos de m?sica latina: Regional Mexicana, M?sica del Ayer (Boleros, M?sica Grupera, Rom?ntica, Vieja Guardia, y otros). Tambi?n tiene que saber manejar un PC, tener conocimiento de Microsoft Office, y tener el deseo de aprender en un ambiente activo.   

Los interesados deben mandar su curriculum por e-mail a

 [address removed]

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