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New Meetup: Vicky Cristina Barcelona

From: Alliah
Sent on: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 5:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Spanish Speaking Professionals Meetup!

What: Vicky Cristina Barcelona

When: August 29,[masked]:30 PM

Where: AMC 25 Times Square!

RSVP HERE: Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Meetup Description:
Hola a todos es Alliah. Vamos al Cine este viernes espero verles!

Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and Rebecca Hall star in The Weinstein Company's Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Woody Allen's latest movie, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (opened 15 August), is both a romantic adventure and a rhapsodic tribute to the city itself. 'A story like this could only happen in a place like Paris or Barcelona,' says Allen.

Sypnosis: Two young American women, Vicky and Cristina, come to Barcelona for a summer holiday. Vicky is sensible and engaged to be married; Cristina is emotionally and sexually adventurous. In Barcelona, they're drawn into a series of unconventional romantic entanglements with Juan Antonio, a charismatic painter, who is still involved with his tempestuous ex-wife Maria Elena.

Genres: Comedy, Drama and Romance

Running Time: 1 hr. 37 min.

Official Site:

Watch the Trailer:

Online ticket link will be added soon when showtimes are available, rsvp and save the date.

Meetup: 7:30PM Left side of Theater Lobby, well introduce each other and claim our seats

Movietime: 8'ish

Aftermovie we will go and party

Directions: 1, 2, 3; 7; A, C, E; N, Q, R, W; S at 42nd St-Times Sq

Cross Street: Between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue

Learn more here: